Hey guys!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful/amazing Thanksgiving =] lots of food an family...and football hahaha. I just wanted to write cause i'm a little bored right now haha. and like i just looked at some pics and they made me really happy hahaha. =] =] =]
My Thanksgiving was interesting haha. Like 4 hour late turkey at my cousins house hahaha. good thing i don't eat turkey hahaha. =] or eat over there usually cause i'm usually not hungry haha. usually.
My semester is almost over! so excited!! like 2 1/2 weeks left or something like that haha. i'm so glad english 101 is almost over!!! haha i don't like english class haha writing is cool but i've never been i huge fan of the actual class hahaha. =]
I'm gunna miss my speech class tho! haha the people in that class are hilarious haha. plus its like the first class i ever really talked in haha. yeah i know me not talk...big surprise hahaha. =]
AH! i want new music but i don't have money =[ and i need money for christmas presents haha. but idk how im gunna get it =] i need to start cleaning again but its rather difficult cause of the last weeks of class coming up. =[ but all i know is i need money hahaha. life is rather boring without having some kind of means to live off of haha.
Well i think thats all for now. i might as well give the internet to Ethan...who is alseep right now...hahaha. Off to wake him up =]
Ta ta for now!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
We can't shake hands with clenched fists
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Moon!
Hey Lovelies!
So I went and saw New Moon, which is part of the twilight saga, opening day! And let me just say...IT WAS AMAZING! lol.

This movie is one of the few movies, i think, that has given any book a movie has been made from justice.
It is done super well and very tasteful, considering there is a love triangle haha
-It was one of the top three selling movies, from a Friday-Sunday, next to Batman: The Dark Night and Spider-Man 3.
-It even out sold Batman's midnight showing.
This movie is great for any age or gender.
-It is not too teen romance to be annoying for the older generation or guys and it is perfectly clean and the romance is done tastefully for the younger generation
-The books were written by Stephenie Meyers, who is Mormon, which is probably why the books and movies are so clean.
The fact that they are clean just makes them more enjoyable to an audience in my opinion
-If you haven't read the books I urge you to go read them they are one of my favorite books, they are well written, and they are SO good!
So if you like romance, werewolves, vampires, or shirtless guys you will like this movie haha
Lets just say I was distracted half the time by Taylor Lautners (who plays Jacob Black) shirtlessness haha.
The next movie from this series which is called Eclipse, which is personally my favorite book, comes out in June!!
Very exciting!! I support this series 104%
So go see it!!! =]
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
So I went and saw New Moon, which is part of the twilight saga, opening day! And let me just say...IT WAS AMAZING! lol.
This movie is one of the few movies, i think, that has given any book a movie has been made from justice.
It is done super well and very tasteful, considering there is a love triangle haha
-It was one of the top three selling movies, from a Friday-Sunday, next to Batman: The Dark Night and Spider-Man 3.
-It even out sold Batman's midnight showing.
This movie is great for any age or gender.
-It is not too teen romance to be annoying for the older generation or guys and it is perfectly clean and the romance is done tastefully for the younger generation
-The books were written by Stephenie Meyers, who is Mormon, which is probably why the books and movies are so clean.
The fact that they are clean just makes them more enjoyable to an audience in my opinion
-If you haven't read the books I urge you to go read them they are one of my favorite books, they are well written, and they are SO good!
So if you like romance, werewolves, vampires, or shirtless guys you will like this movie haha
Lets just say I was distracted half the time by Taylor Lautners (who plays Jacob Black) shirtlessness haha.
The next movie from this series which is called Eclipse, which is personally my favorite book, comes out in June!!
Very exciting!! I support this series 104%
So go see it!!! =]
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Thursday, November 19, 2009
YAAY!!! woodie award news!
Hey Ya'll
Exciting news!!!!
NeverShoutNever won mtvU's Breaking Woodie award yesterday!! He was running against Passion Pit, Grizzly Bears, Friendly Fires, Wale, and La Roux. So excited! He really deserved this award lol And it was mentioned that NSN was best dressed of the night as he sported his minnie mouse sweatshirt haha ;p
In other categories
Jamie Tworkowski: Head of To Write Love On Her Arms won the Good Woodie. I was so pleased that he won this, TWLOHA is one of my favourite organizations. They have helped so many people!
Also Kings of Leon won the Woodie of the Year! Although I was rooting for Silversun Pickups I was glad they one this. If Silversun Pickups didn't win I wanted Kings of Leon to win! So I was in a win-win situation haha. Both bands are really awesome. Though Silversun is definitely more my style and what I listen to, lol, Kings of Leon is also one of the most played artists on my itunes haha.
Green Day won the Performing Woodie. I was rooting for Phoenix, lol again more my style of music. haha Green Day is a great band and I do listen to a little bit of them. I also wasn't surprised or disappointed that Green Day won! lol
For more winners in other categories go to http://www.mtv.com/ontv/woodieawards/2009/categories.jhtml
Over All it was a really great night. I was just so happy NSN won! haha
well thats all for now!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
*you can't shake hands with a clenched fist*
Exciting news!!!!
NeverShoutNever won mtvU's Breaking Woodie award yesterday!! He was running against Passion Pit, Grizzly Bears, Friendly Fires, Wale, and La Roux. So excited! He really deserved this award lol And it was mentioned that NSN was best dressed of the night as he sported his minnie mouse sweatshirt haha ;p
In other categories
Jamie Tworkowski: Head of To Write Love On Her Arms won the Good Woodie. I was so pleased that he won this, TWLOHA is one of my favourite organizations. They have helped so many people!
Also Kings of Leon won the Woodie of the Year! Although I was rooting for Silversun Pickups I was glad they one this. If Silversun Pickups didn't win I wanted Kings of Leon to win! So I was in a win-win situation haha. Both bands are really awesome. Though Silversun is definitely more my style and what I listen to, lol, Kings of Leon is also one of the most played artists on my itunes haha.
Green Day won the Performing Woodie. I was rooting for Phoenix, lol again more my style of music. haha Green Day is a great band and I do listen to a little bit of them. I also wasn't surprised or disappointed that Green Day won! lol
For more winners in other categories go to http://www.mtv.com/ontv/woodieawards/2009/categories.jhtml
Over All it was a really great night. I was just so happy NSN won! haha
well thats all for now!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
*you can't shake hands with a clenched fist*
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hey Lovelie(s) haha
Okay so here is the update
We have a name =] just made a Myspace for us haha
Nothing will be on there for a lil while because one i have a lot of hw and can't spend a lot of time on making it special or whatever haha but i did a lil two i don't know if im going to put old videos on there yet...the first band vids....i don't think they're very good haha we are tons better now lol and three we haven't gone into studio yet so i have no songs to put up there lol
on the other hand we are looking for a bass player, drummer, and another guitarist so i don't have to do that anymore. hahah i like my singing and synth and that's it although i probably will still play guitar every once in a while i do not enjoy it as much as Ethan does haha.
We had a very long discussion on who's doing what today. It was rather productive I was proud of us hahaha.
Ooooo Thanksgiving is so close!!! lol We will have a practice with our producer Thanksgiving weekend idk for how long or anything but it will be the first of a couple ahhhh! We are now officially in Pre-Production mode lol cause apparently we were in Pre-Pre-Production lol which is okay with me cause that means more practice time less studio wasted time =]
I'm kinda nervous to go into studio though!!! never done it before!!!
If ya have a Myspace go be our friend @ www.myspace.com/shae.band
and if ya can't find it search for me Ashlyn Sanchez I should be the first one but my user name or profile name whatever you want to call it is Forever☮Love. Go to my friends and look at new friends and this should also be the first person on my new friends list. =]
Peace, Love, && Be Vegetarian
Okay so here is the update
We have a name =] just made a Myspace for us haha
Nothing will be on there for a lil while because one i have a lot of hw and can't spend a lot of time on making it special or whatever haha but i did a lil two i don't know if im going to put old videos on there yet...the first band vids....i don't think they're very good haha we are tons better now lol and three we haven't gone into studio yet so i have no songs to put up there lol
on the other hand we are looking for a bass player, drummer, and another guitarist so i don't have to do that anymore. hahah i like my singing and synth and that's it although i probably will still play guitar every once in a while i do not enjoy it as much as Ethan does haha.
We had a very long discussion on who's doing what today. It was rather productive I was proud of us hahaha.
Ooooo Thanksgiving is so close!!! lol We will have a practice with our producer Thanksgiving weekend idk for how long or anything but it will be the first of a couple ahhhh! We are now officially in Pre-Production mode lol cause apparently we were in Pre-Pre-Production lol which is okay with me cause that means more practice time less studio wasted time =]
I'm kinda nervous to go into studio though!!! never done it before!!!
If ya have a Myspace go be our friend @ www.myspace.com/shae.band
and if ya can't find it search for me Ashlyn Sanchez I should be the first one but my user name or profile name whatever you want to call it is Forever☮Love. Go to my friends and look at new friends and this should also be the first person on my new friends list. =]
Peace, Love, && Be Vegetarian
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Real Life Blog
Hey ya'll update! haha
Okay well our bassist backed out on us for our demo.
Something about not enough time. I think it's cause he has a GF now and he wants to spend as much time as possible with her and now apperantly he wants to be a physician...so he's out
Luckily me and my brother have enough musical talent to be a two man band haha
Super bummed i missed Insomnia, AND it turns out that the guy i sort like went and even hung out with my BBFF=sister. So I'm even more mad...like you don't even know haha. and after five years of liking one guy...and it not working out...so there's a huge chance i'll like this guy for a while haha.
OMG so it's official I want an english and french bulldog they are so adorable!!!!!!!! they're all fat and shquishy and small and shawnay!!!!!!!!!! haha. and i want one haha. but they're thousands of dollars and i don't have a dollar to my name haha.
Gah i can't believe the years almost over haha. its gone by so fast. and i hope i can go to detour im praying so hard haha.
Church service was amazing as usual Davids teachings are so good! Kind of intense but it was good to hear a teaching on idolatry but not just on other gods, but even on things like relationships and a bf or gf. overall amazing teaching.
well thats all for now
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Okay well our bassist backed out on us for our demo.
Something about not enough time. I think it's cause he has a GF now and he wants to spend as much time as possible with her and now apperantly he wants to be a physician...so he's out
Luckily me and my brother have enough musical talent to be a two man band haha
Super bummed i missed Insomnia, AND it turns out that the guy i sort like went and even hung out with my BBFF=sister. So I'm even more mad...like you don't even know haha. and after five years of liking one guy...and it not working out...so there's a huge chance i'll like this guy for a while haha.
OMG so it's official I want an english and french bulldog they are so adorable!!!!!!!! they're all fat and shquishy and small and shawnay!!!!!!!!!! haha. and i want one haha. but they're thousands of dollars and i don't have a dollar to my name haha.
Gah i can't believe the years almost over haha. its gone by so fast. and i hope i can go to detour im praying so hard haha.
Church service was amazing as usual Davids teachings are so good! Kind of intense but it was good to hear a teaching on idolatry but not just on other gods, but even on things like relationships and a bf or gf. overall amazing teaching.
well thats all for now
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Friday, November 13, 2009
Special Event!!
Hey Lovelies!!
So I just wrote a blog about non-profit organizations.
Well today is To Write Love On Her Arms Day!!
This day is meant to bring awareness to others on the actual org itself and what they do!
So write LOVE on your arms, show it off and spread their message!
If you're on Facebook look up the event and spread it to your friends!
Post your pictures of Love on your arms and tell the story
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
So I just wrote a blog about non-profit organizations.
Well today is To Write Love On Her Arms Day!!
This day is meant to bring awareness to others on the actual org itself and what they do!
So write LOVE on your arms, show it off and spread their message!
If you're on Facebook look up the event and spread it to your friends!
Post your pictures of Love on your arms and tell the story
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hey guys just wanted to tell you about some really great non-profit organizations that really help the youth of today, in the U.S. and other countries
The first one I would like to discus is To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA):
-This is one of the more well known orgs, even if a person doesn't know exactly what they do they have most likely seen the TWLOHA t-shirts.

-Founded by Jamie Tworkowski
-What they're about:
To Write Love On Her Arms is a movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.
-TWLOHA started in Spring of 2006
-They wanted to get the story out of a girl who had a past of great pain and who was suffering from deep depression, drug use, and self-inflicted injury.
They're Vision:
-The visions IS hope, and hope IS real, that people will put down guns and razor blades and bottles.
Jamie Tworkowski and his organization is inspiring.
-He is up for a mtvU Woodie award, so go MTV.com/ontv/woodieawards/2009/good-woodie and vote.
-If you want to learn more about TWLOHA, get the whole story and full vision go to http://www.twloha.com/
-They also get bands involved by setting up music tours. To get more info on this keep a check on their myspace for new tours and tour dates.
-Some of the bands that have been involved include, Paramore. UnderOath, Anberlin, and Hawthorne Heights
-Support this cause by buying a t-shirt and other accessories
The second organization is called Invisible Children:

-They make documentaries about war-affected children in east Africa show them around the world.
-It started in the Spring of 2003, when three young filmmakers traveled to Africa.
-What started out as a film making adventure transformed into much more these 3 boys from Southern California discovered a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them, a tragedy where children are both the weapons and the victims.
After returning to the States, they created the documentary "Invisible Children: Rough Cut," a film that exposes the tragic realities of northern Uganda's night commuters and child soldiers.
-The film was originally shown to friends and family, but has now been seen by millions of people.
-Go to invisiblechildren.com to get merch, donate, and see how you can make a difference.
-Also go on their myspace to view blogs, music events, and bands who support this cause including; Fall Out Boy, Thrice, and The Rocket Summer
"My Heart Beats For You"
The third: I would like to tell you about is called Falling Whistles: Sean D. Carasso

-Falling Whistles gives a small window into our world’s largest war. Originally just a journal written about boys sent to the front lines of war armed with only a whistle
-It is a campaign for peace in Congo.
-Go to http://www.fallingwhistles.com/ for full info and journal entry, check out their Myspace as well
-Read the journal is about their efforts and finding 5 young boys who escaped a rebel camp
-Also support this cause. It's as simple as buying a whistle.
And last, but certainly not least, and probably most well known organization i would like to talk about is called TOMS:

-TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.
-It was founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 after befriending children in Argentina when he was traveling.
-TOMS has given over hundreds of thousands of pairs of shoes to children in need.
-This company has also been seen in an ad for AT&T's cell phone service
-For more in depth info go to tomsshoes.com or get on Myspace and search Blake Mycoskie
-TOMS shoes come in men's, women's, youth, and "tiny toms", they even sell vegan styles, which means they contain no leather, and TOMS wrap boots.
-Support this cause, buy a pair of shoes.
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
The first one I would like to discus is To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA):
-This is one of the more well known orgs, even if a person doesn't know exactly what they do they have most likely seen the TWLOHA t-shirts.
-Founded by Jamie Tworkowski
-What they're about:
To Write Love On Her Arms is a movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.
-TWLOHA started in Spring of 2006
-They wanted to get the story out of a girl who had a past of great pain and who was suffering from deep depression, drug use, and self-inflicted injury.
They're Vision:
-The visions IS hope, and hope IS real, that people will put down guns and razor blades and bottles.
Jamie Tworkowski and his organization is inspiring.
-He is up for a mtvU Woodie award, so go MTV.com/ontv/woodieawards/2009/good-woodie and vote.
-If you want to learn more about TWLOHA, get the whole story and full vision go to http://www.twloha.com/
-They also get bands involved by setting up music tours. To get more info on this keep a check on their myspace for new tours and tour dates.
-Some of the bands that have been involved include, Paramore. UnderOath, Anberlin, and Hawthorne Heights
-Support this cause by buying a t-shirt and other accessories
The second organization is called Invisible Children:
-They make documentaries about war-affected children in east Africa show them around the world.
-It started in the Spring of 2003, when three young filmmakers traveled to Africa.
-What started out as a film making adventure transformed into much more these 3 boys from Southern California discovered a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them, a tragedy where children are both the weapons and the victims.
After returning to the States, they created the documentary "Invisible Children: Rough Cut," a film that exposes the tragic realities of northern Uganda's night commuters and child soldiers.
-The film was originally shown to friends and family, but has now been seen by millions of people.
-Go to invisiblechildren.com to get merch, donate, and see how you can make a difference.
-Also go on their myspace to view blogs, music events, and bands who support this cause including; Fall Out Boy, Thrice, and The Rocket Summer
"My Heart Beats For You"
The third: I would like to tell you about is called Falling Whistles: Sean D. Carasso
-Falling Whistles gives a small window into our world’s largest war. Originally just a journal written about boys sent to the front lines of war armed with only a whistle
-It is a campaign for peace in Congo.
-Go to http://www.fallingwhistles.com/ for full info and journal entry, check out their Myspace as well
-Read the journal is about their efforts and finding 5 young boys who escaped a rebel camp
-Also support this cause. It's as simple as buying a whistle.
And last, but certainly not least, and probably most well known organization i would like to talk about is called TOMS:
-TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.
-It was founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 after befriending children in Argentina when he was traveling.
-TOMS has given over hundreds of thousands of pairs of shoes to children in need.
-This company has also been seen in an ad for AT&T's cell phone service
-For more in depth info go to tomsshoes.com or get on Myspace and search Blake Mycoskie
-TOMS shoes come in men's, women's, youth, and "tiny toms", they even sell vegan styles, which means they contain no leather, and TOMS wrap boots.
-Support this cause, buy a pair of shoes.
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Real Life--Band Stuff
Hey Ya'll
Just wanted to update again.
-Still have tons of hw and more on the way...yay for college haha
-The band is going through some name changes
-Recording is gunna be awesome, doing some pre-pro pretty soon here!!!
-Thanksgiving is coming up
-Axe commercials are kinda scary haha
-Go on YouTube.com look up R1ng077 (r-one-n-g-zero-seven-seven) haha
-Check out us out. We do have a new drummer and have an actual bass player now
-Again going through a name change! Myspace and Blog will be coming soon for the band
(once the name gets settled)
-If you like our sound go to Myspace, look me up(Ashlyn Sanchez), send a friend request, and then I will be able to send ya'll messages when everythings set up!
-There is also a band myspace for The Remnant (our old band name) if you feel so inclined to look us up and request there that would be fabulous as well!
That's all for band stuff for now!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Just wanted to update again.
-Still have tons of hw and more on the way...yay for college haha
-The band is going through some name changes
-Recording is gunna be awesome, doing some pre-pro pretty soon here!!!
-Thanksgiving is coming up
-Axe commercials are kinda scary haha
-Go on YouTube.com look up R1ng077 (r-one-n-g-zero-seven-seven) haha
-Check out us out. We do have a new drummer and have an actual bass player now
-Again going through a name change! Myspace and Blog will be coming soon for the band
(once the name gets settled)
-If you like our sound go to Myspace, look me up(Ashlyn Sanchez), send a friend request, and then I will be able to send ya'll messages when everythings set up!
-There is also a band myspace for The Remnant (our old band name) if you feel so inclined to look us up and request there that would be fabulous as well!
That's all for band stuff for now!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
music blog,
The Remnant
Ello Lovelies!
So I just wanted to tell you guys about another amazing band named Mute Math
I just saw them in concert not to long ago!

-The are on a head-lining rour with a band called As Tall As Lions...also an amazing band check em out =]...well MM is on a tour right now for their new CD Armistice.
-This is their second CD
-A song from their first CD was actually used for a "transitioner" for channel 59 or the other CW31 TV station
-And the song Spotlight from their new CD was featured on the movie Twilight
I saw them at the Fillmore in San Francisco, reasonably priced tickets as well.
-They use a lo of electronic stuff, although they are not techno!
-The main instruments are the reg, guitar, bass, drums. But they also play the stand up bass, the keytar, xylophone, and some kind of electronic guitar they made for some of the background sounds.
The show was great, the band is very energetic
-Lead singer, Paul Meany, rarely stops stops moving throughout the show.
They don't do a lot of talking with the audience but they do about 17 songs
If you're looking for a great show with excellent showmanship and great musicians this band is definitely a band you need to see live.
-They don't cuzz in any of their songs either
-If you've seen Twilight and have the soundtrack and love the song Spotlight, you'll love the res of their soongs.
-Check em out at Myspace.com or go to their website http://www.mutemath.com/ for merch and CD's
Background: the bands from Louisiana.
-They go through a record label they created themselves.
-They're considered progressice-rock
-They're not under a Christian label, but the members in the band are Christian

Lead singer/Keytar/Rhoads--Paul Meany

Drummer--Darren King

Guitar/Xylophone--Greg Hill

Bass/Stand-Up Bass--Roy Mitchell-Cardenas
Peace, Love, Be Youself
So I just wanted to tell you guys about another amazing band named Mute Math
I just saw them in concert not to long ago!
-The are on a head-lining rour with a band called As Tall As Lions...also an amazing band check em out =]...well MM is on a tour right now for their new CD Armistice.
-This is their second CD
-A song from their first CD was actually used for a "transitioner" for channel 59 or the other CW31 TV station
-And the song Spotlight from their new CD was featured on the movie Twilight
I saw them at the Fillmore in San Francisco, reasonably priced tickets as well.
-They use a lo of electronic stuff, although they are not techno!
-The main instruments are the reg, guitar, bass, drums. But they also play the stand up bass, the keytar, xylophone, and some kind of electronic guitar they made for some of the background sounds.
The show was great, the band is very energetic
-Lead singer, Paul Meany, rarely stops stops moving throughout the show.
They don't do a lot of talking with the audience but they do about 17 songs
If you're looking for a great show with excellent showmanship and great musicians this band is definitely a band you need to see live.
-They don't cuzz in any of their songs either
-If you've seen Twilight and have the soundtrack and love the song Spotlight, you'll love the res of their soongs.
-Check em out at Myspace.com or go to their website http://www.mutemath.com/ for merch and CD's
Background: the bands from Louisiana.
-They go through a record label they created themselves.
-They're considered progressice-rock
-They're not under a Christian label, but the members in the band are Christian
Lead singer/Keytar/Rhoads--Paul Meany
Drummer--Darren King
Guitar/Xylophone--Greg Hill
Bass/Stand-Up Bass--Roy Mitchell-Cardenas
Peace, Love, Be Youself
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Update on life!
Ello Lovelies, I know I just posted a blog but this is different haha
I am so proud of my big sis Amanda for getting her license today!!!! yay 18 and mobile...finally! hahaha
ahhh i do have a 500 word essay and a six page first draft due in a couple weeks so pray that i get it done and not stress out over it
The bands recording date was moved to the first week of january im so sad that im going to miss Detour this year gahh =[ but pray that we will be ready and in studio will go well no fighting or anything hahaha.
im watching say yes to the dress love this show! haha
umm soon to be blogs on orgs that help people! lol vague i know =]
Check out Cobra Starships song "Good Girls Go Bad" ft. Leighton Meester from Gossip Girl, who just came out with her own cd. Its like my fav song right now.
Pray for Alyssa and her family, her mom is in the hospital. this has been going on for a couple days now. and pray that she wont kill her brothers cause i know i would haha. josh is my favourite =]
well thats all for now hehe
peace, love, and be yourself
I am so proud of my big sis Amanda for getting her license today!!!! yay 18 and mobile...finally! hahaha
ahhh i do have a 500 word essay and a six page first draft due in a couple weeks so pray that i get it done and not stress out over it
The bands recording date was moved to the first week of january im so sad that im going to miss Detour this year gahh =[ but pray that we will be ready and in studio will go well no fighting or anything hahaha.
im watching say yes to the dress love this show! haha
umm soon to be blogs on orgs that help people! lol vague i know =]
Check out Cobra Starships song "Good Girls Go Bad" ft. Leighton Meester from Gossip Girl, who just came out with her own cd. Its like my fav song right now.
Pray for Alyssa and her family, her mom is in the hospital. this has been going on for a couple days now. and pray that she wont kill her brothers cause i know i would haha. josh is my favourite =]
well thats all for now hehe
peace, love, and be yourself
Hello!! So I just ate some curly fries from Jack In The Box!! AMAZING!! lol
So I just wanted to tell everyone about an amazing new(er) musician!
His name is Christofer Drew (Ingle), the name of the band is NeverShoutNever

-He just recorded his first album but has a couple of EP's already out!
-His song "Happy" was just featured on a commercial on TLC for the show Table for 12
-His songs are real, they're about things that he goes through in his life
-Leads by acoustic guitar and vocals, he also throws the uke in there every once in a while
-He does cuss in some of his songs, but overlooking that he's an over all great musician.
-He is on tour right now, but canceled a lot of shows.
-Go to his website http://www.nevershoutnever.com/ for merch, pics, etc.
-Also look for his new music video coming out in the next few months for the song "What is Love"
-And check out his music vids for his songs "On The Brightside" and "Bigcitydreams"
Here's short background: He's 18 from Joplin Mo. He dropped out of school for music, he has a side band called eatmewhileimhot! and the band he goes on tour with as Nevershoutnever are his friends.
Check him out on Myspace.com, read some of his real me blogs to get more info on him. Theres also lyric blogs to check out and Music (CD) and touring updates!
Well thats all for now
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
So I just wanted to tell everyone about an amazing new(er) musician!
His name is Christofer Drew (Ingle), the name of the band is NeverShoutNever
-He just recorded his first album but has a couple of EP's already out!
-His song "Happy" was just featured on a commercial on TLC for the show Table for 12
-His songs are real, they're about things that he goes through in his life
-Leads by acoustic guitar and vocals, he also throws the uke in there every once in a while
-He does cuss in some of his songs, but overlooking that he's an over all great musician.
-He is on tour right now, but canceled a lot of shows.
-Go to his website http://www.nevershoutnever.com/ for merch, pics, etc.
-Also look for his new music video coming out in the next few months for the song "What is Love"
-And check out his music vids for his songs "On The Brightside" and "Bigcitydreams"
Here's short background: He's 18 from Joplin Mo. He dropped out of school for music, he has a side band called eatmewhileimhot! and the band he goes on tour with as Nevershoutnever are his friends.
Check him out on Myspace.com, read some of his real me blogs to get more info on him. Theres also lyric blogs to check out and Music (CD) and touring updates!
Well thats all for now
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Ello Lovelies!
Ello Lovelies! So I forgot my password for my old blog so I made a new one haha. Um prolly everyone who reads this will know me but for the people who don't...
My names Ashlyn Im 17, I graduated highschool two years early. If I didn't love chicken so much Id be a vegetarian. But I rarely eat chicken so idk what to call me haha. I love art, music, fashion, photography, design and dance. Im a nice person once you get to know me. Im very sarcastic, always honest, very stubborn and opinionated. I love purple. haha. Im not very girly...only sometimes. Id rather hang with guys. I love sports. I have 5 unofficial sisters, Heather, Bianca, Alyssa, Amanda, Britni, and Darylyn. On real bro and one unofficial bro Jon. I love making nicknames for guys so they don't know im talking about them haha. and just people in general haha. Me and Ash B are pro hahaha. Um i hate drama but usually get in the middle cuz guys are weird and ill beat them up if they mess with my friends haha. Im a good listener. If i don't like someone they know, i don't make a very big effort to not show my dislike. haha i wear my emotions on my face, but i try real hard not to. Im generally a quiet person unless you know me really well haha. Im usually crazy and loud and love doing stupid things. I had a crush on the same guy for 5 years, lol crazy right? Now Im crush free and lovin it haha. I love Jesus He is my personal Lord and Savior and without Him Id be nothing. um idk what else to say. If ya have any questions just ask. If ya have comments or complaints don't bother i don't care haha. Oh and i love being british =] haha Ta Ta For Now
Peace, Love && Be Yourself
My names Ashlyn Im 17, I graduated highschool two years early. If I didn't love chicken so much Id be a vegetarian. But I rarely eat chicken so idk what to call me haha. I love art, music, fashion, photography, design and dance. Im a nice person once you get to know me. Im very sarcastic, always honest, very stubborn and opinionated. I love purple. haha. Im not very girly...only sometimes. Id rather hang with guys. I love sports. I have 5 unofficial sisters, Heather, Bianca, Alyssa, Amanda, Britni, and Darylyn. On real bro and one unofficial bro Jon. I love making nicknames for guys so they don't know im talking about them haha. and just people in general haha. Me and Ash B are pro hahaha. Um i hate drama but usually get in the middle cuz guys are weird and ill beat them up if they mess with my friends haha. Im a good listener. If i don't like someone they know, i don't make a very big effort to not show my dislike. haha i wear my emotions on my face, but i try real hard not to. Im generally a quiet person unless you know me really well haha. Im usually crazy and loud and love doing stupid things. I had a crush on the same guy for 5 years, lol crazy right? Now Im crush free and lovin it haha. I love Jesus He is my personal Lord and Savior and without Him Id be nothing. um idk what else to say. If ya have any questions just ask. If ya have comments or complaints don't bother i don't care haha. Oh and i love being british =] haha Ta Ta For Now
Peace, Love && Be Yourself
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