Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Show Them What You're Worth

And the year has just begun...
So yeah I know I haven't really blogged in awhile...but then again who really reads this anyways?
I could post my whole life stories with all my secrets and no one would ever know them.
Like this will go anywhere anytime soon.
I am writing because I have nothing else to do. I wanted to create this blog to be about Fashion, Art, Style, Color, Music. everything else it hasn't worked out very well.
Well if you are one in a million and happen to stumble opon my pathetic little page here are some things you should know:

1] My names Ashlyn.
2] I love the weird and obscure.
3] I am hopeless.
4] I love everything and everyone even to my demise.
5] I digress often.
6] If you ever want to know anything, just ask.

I woke up today wanting anything else than to not be me. I realize millions of other girls also feel this way and even though it is the stupidest thing we could ever want...we still want it.
Whether or not you will admit to having these thoughts is quite irrelevant, 'cause no matter how popular, cool, thin, beautiful, or smart you are; you always see what you perceive as the worst in or about yourself. Well guess one else sees them. Shocker right? Any one person can write down a list of things they dislike about themselves...and only the "shallow" and "rich" can seem to find anything good about themselves. My point is you don't have to be a perfect little barbie doll with the emotional rang of a teaspoon and the brain capacity of a fly to think good things about yourself. In the end none of it matters. People judge people because they don't know any better. Cliques only come after someone decides the other persons different so they're not going to talk to them. Well who gives a crap...people are people...we're all made up of the same thing. Whether you wished you were something else; a better student, a better artist, a better athlete, or someone else; personally I'd like to look like Zooey Deschanel or Anne Hathaway, the most important thing is to be yourself. Don't be afraid of being judged for being one person is exactly the same. That's what makes us, makes us human. Individual. So wear you loud. Don't try to be like everyone else. Make the world interesting. Paint the world whatever color[s] you want. Make your own color. Maybe if there were more people who stood out there would be a bigger following on the whole be yourself thing. But hey, maybe I'm wrong...maybe the world isn't separated from the "beautiful people" and the "weird freaks". But hey...if I'm right...I wanna be proud of being the freak I am. Not some cut-out pattern of today's society.
Stand up for what you believe in. Don't let others knock you and your ideas down. Put yourself out there. Not everyone bites. Just forget the haters. They only hate because they have lower self-esteem than someone else. If they care they don't matter. Just don't judge someone or put them down because their shoe's don't match or they have every color you could think of in their hair.
Well that's all of my ramblings.