Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Go Higher Than High, Lower Than Deep, Doing It Wrong, Singin' Along
So news, so over the Thanksgiving break things were suppose to happen...well they didn't. hahaha
Everyone just got so busy and we had tons of school work to do! So the plan is to have the demo done over Christmas break. My bro gets like a month off of school so he's planning on doing that the whole time to get it done. Secondly; my whole cover thing...didn't happen cause of homework and finals coming up but! I have picked a song so I am now learning it and Idk when it's gunna be up. But everyone will be informed when it is and all the ways before haha. I couldn't stay formal for that long it's not possible for me right now! Ha!
So there's nothing too terribly exciting going on right now...although I had the strangest dream about Eruantien...we were engaged...haha long story...don't ask. Ohh I have an obsession with Elvish right now..haha yeah I pretty much have geeked out the past week over it haha. I can write in Tengwar haha it's pretty legit...secret messages to Melda! ;] I'm gunna teach it to her so we can write without people knowing what we are saying haha. And it looks sick :]
So tomorrows December 1st. Idk how a feel about it as of yet! I do wish the holidays would come around so I could see people when they come back from school for break.
I'm too hyper to stay focused at the moment I've had this same screen up for like 45 minutes. Gah I have two PowerPoint presentations due next week and an information interview that I'm scared pooless of...I don't like talking to people especially people who intimidate me hahaha. Not fun!
Well I better do some kind of research on something I need to get finished haha. I need a Q-Tip...ooooo good song :] Look up Metric..cause I say so...:]
Peace, Love, && Dream
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Raise Your Glass
But I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Have fun with your families today!
And if you're crazy like this have fun shopping tomorrow. Don't shank anyone!
I am now enjoying a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon and later..The Waltons thanksgiving haha. Yeah they kinda go hand in hand like that. Um there won't be any cover up this weekend because 1. I forgot that it was a holiday weekend 2. I have tons of homework to do cause my teacher...just one in particular is a crazy person and unorganized and gives us three big things to do all on the same day and 3. well I don't really have a three.
I like this show....it's pretty great...if you haven't seen it watch it. I own every season haha so great.
Anyways I really don't know what to say and I really should be getting ready to go have Thanksgiving with my dads side of the family. Angel. the end haha. sorry.
I really need to get ready before I start getting random...ok bye now!
Ooooh btw the Bee Gees are awesome. haha just making sure you know. Ok really bye..now..yeah bye...go..leave now. stop reading....go bye...bye
Peace, Love, && Geek
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sometimes I Believe As Many As Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
News...other than this is the first post foor days! [and by that I mean months].
So here it is *Ehem*
Annabel Lee has a single out of the song 'Oh Holy Night' please check it out!
If you want the Mp3 it'll cost you a dollar ;] haha. But seriously...that'd be cool. Lol
Our Demo should be done by Thanksgiving weekend which is technically this weekend YAY! haha.
I have a youtube!! Search Dearfuturelove and the song will come up subscribe...I'm planning on doing covers hopefully one will be up by next weekend! :] Look for it!
Um do you guys have any suggestions?? I'd be happy to take them...SUGGEST I say!!! No pressure.
School Semester is almost over! I can't wait. I love learning and all but...homework sucks!
I'm trying to keep the randomness to a minumul and try and catch up on here....as of yet...I'd say it's working.
I really want to go to San Francisco right now...I love that place dangerous or not it has character...and I'm sick of being in the same place all the time!
Busy weeks to come cause of finals and everything.
6 impossible things:
Your mom
Ducks in the army
Purple monkey
I'm an astonaut
Ninjas at your birthday
Disappearing hearts
Post 6 yourself!
Peace, Love, && Live For Something
-Ash[Don't lose heart]
Saturday, May 22, 2010
We Can Be Astronauts
I would officially like to say that Annabel Lee is officially going to start our Demo Adventure in the next coming week! WOO HOO!
We have finished the studio, gotten a new set of drums, and got the dates set to lay down some tracks!
I don't really have to much to say other than that...lol
Ummmm have a good weekend.
Mines gunna be fun! lol.
Do something productive!
what exactly productive means to you i really don't care just do it lol
But no pressure haha ;]
Um well Imma go now haha
Peace, Love, && save the seeker
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
'I'll call a cab'

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
'...You Appear Just Like A Dream To Me, Just Like Kaleidoscope colors...'
So tomorrow is yet another tuesday...and yet another practice...
The room is not done yet. and we have no apples
haha its like a code red when we have no apples...I live off those things.....
but we have bomb cookies that melt in ur mouth...trumped! haha
Anyways, theres nothing really eventful happening...other than
Everyone should see 'The Last Song' and read the book...
The books way better tho...
I wrote this long blog and then my computer acted up so it deleted hhalf of it cause it didn't save...
no im annoyed...
Um I got an IM account 'dearfuturelove' i auto sign in when my computer turns on so im almost always available.
'if your happy and you know it clap your hands... *clap clap* if your happy and you know it clap your hands... *clap clap* if your happy and you know it and you really wanna show it... if your happy and you know it clap your hands... *clap clap*'
Now you know...whats going through my head...Hehe
Um do you guys hate shoes as much as I do?... they're over-rated...lol
I don't remeber what else i said so i guess this is it....
ummm this blog had a point at the beginning...like when i signed on...but i don't remember what
exactly that point was suppose to be now...lol
Bunnies are cute :]
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
[Go Vegetarian (AMANDA my meat loving older sister...hahaha naw i love u and ur....habbits.)] JK
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Not in the 'Ha ha ha' funny joke funny way
Donkey on the other hand...not so pleasent... after the fact. Him and that big head of his. Can't stand it....
Haha that reminds me of a song called that by Never Shout Never haha. Cute song...Donkey not on the other had not attractive. But I really like that song haha.
I want to slap him...but then I'd have to touch him...NVM!!! anyone wanna do it for me? Haha that is both my Myspace and Facebook status as of right now.
Jay thinks he's ninja cause he knew who I was talking about and didn't even have to ask. Lyss one up'd him by knowing then texting me to ask for details and said he's not that ninja. And Grant [being awesome] offered me a baseball bat to hit him with...well first it was a stout swtich [which apperantly is the same thing as a regular switch it just doesn't break as easily] LOL.
I deamed the bat would definitely be the best thing to use. Hehe
Oh so I have a surprise for everyone haha well two. One about music and the other not. lol
Um the band name...I have decided to unvail it do to the fact that Im quite bored and I want more than just Morgan and Dora to know it. Lol.
So here it is...Drumroll........
Annabel Lee
That was anti-climactic huh??...Oh well lol
Oooooo Did anyone see the Criminal Minds last night? Other than me and most likely Darylyn LOL! It was awesome!! hahaha. Love that guy...*sigh* hahahaha
"He needs a twin" -Darylyn [Love her!]
Anyways! I'm sittin here and I should be doing my paper thats like 8 pages long or whatever. But I don't want to it. I'm just not in the homework awake state yet. But my mom was just like 'when you get some of that done i'll read it' haha so I guess I better get something done
Um. Still waiting for a reply from the guitarist we want to do the little project of covers with. Lol. Um we have another practice on Tuesday...Joy...
well I better go, This blog has taken a total of like three days to write haha.
well Lates
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
[for some reason its double spacing and im not very happy about it hahaha]
Love ya!
-Ash ['It's a shame about raisins']
Monday, March 29, 2010
You Know Who You Are And To Me It's Exciting
So I was thinking 'hey I should really study' so I decided to blog instead hahaha
Hmmm today's events of me anticipated wanting to skip tomorrow with all my heart has continued to conflict with my desperate need to study hahaha...well not desperate but I should be studying lol.
Tomorrow is the 'pleasent' day that we have practice with the 'nice' Donkey. Lol. [please don't take that statement literally...really don't.:]]
On a lighter note lol SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER! haha...that's all i could think of that was lighter hahaha.
So im watching Icarly haha and listening to selna gomez...idk why yet lol. and my moms phone keeps going off but im to lazy to go over and see who it is lol. grrr. oh well im going! hahaha
Gah i forgot i need to go to kinkos cause were xeroxing tomorrow in art class...idr how he said to get them printed tho...blah...im like frikkin out too. haha. no joke lol. im sure its just regular picture paper but idr..idk...
well i should go get ready...um ill do a music blog tomorrow after practice or wednesday. idk. depends on how late we go .... gah hahaha
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Monday, March 22, 2010
'I've got a good heart and a love for pop tarts'
I wasn't joking lol Im bored hahaha
Hm I should be studying or doing the possible art for the EP/Demo thing but I'm not Haha. Way to much work right now! :]
OOOOOOOOOOO I'm listing to DearOlivejuice's new Demoliscious EP! It's pretty rad! Not gunna lie!
Anywho where did I stop on the last blog....idk...lol. Oooo I'm really excited for our Demo thing it's gunna be so much fun! If I get my way and we do the songs I wanna do hahaha :] But either way.
Hm...tomorrow...I don't want it to be tomorrow hahaha. Early morn Art class...yay...not...lol So over it. hahaha Last and only art class...which is good 'cause I don't think I could wake up early every semester and keep my sanity. Lol So I pretty much ate way to much altogether today hahaha. well maybe not but WAY more than I ever eat in a day...and I really want a kiwi for tomorrow...haha. But we have none! :[ so sad
Gah I so just exited the page out on accident and almost had a heart attack cause I didn't wanna write all that again haha but it saved :]
So I saw this little baby with downs the other day...most adorable little boy in the whole world! I fell in love!
Life Lessons: Act stupid, be odd, don't judge, be sarcastic, hang with friends every second you can, eat pop tarts, Love everyone, help Others, laugh, Be diFFerent, DON'T use the 'R' word, DO talk to everyone you can, pray and read the bible, Be pessimistic [only when necessary :] lol], Don't care about what everyone else thinks about you, Love God, Listen to music, and Be Yourself.
Peace. Love.
I wake up every morning...
I haven't posted in SO long!!!!!
I just wanted to give ya'll an update! :]
We are so close to being finished with the studio I can't even believe it!
There's only a few more things to do and get it all set up! and then we'll be recording!
We have finally gotten a band name and I think Ethan has a Myspace but we don't have any music and it's not set up so be on the look out for a blog saying that it's ready to check out! :]
I don't know if I wan't to reveal our name just yet haha! But I'm almost 100% sure we're keeping this one I REALLY like it :]
After we get the studio up and running we'll be doingn some covers hopefully even though we are not a full band. But I really don't care if we are or not cause people are over rated!
School is almost out! I get out April 27th!!! I am looking for jobs so I can save up some mullah! I can't wait until I get out of school, not lookiing forward to the heat though :/
MEXICO is going to be so amazing it's not even funny. Its gunna be so much fun and hopefully we will be able to make an un-natural impact on the community! I can't wait
Well I must go to school now. I'll give some more updates when I get home!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sorry haven't blogged in a while. There's just nothing really going on haha.
Um i really don't even know what to write about. Hm
Oh pray for my friend Ryan.
I don't wanna say anything specific but for the people that do know what's up knows what to pray for.
He really needs a clear understanding. Thanks
So I'm listening to my Itunes and Idek what I'm listening to. Haha. Fail. Haha David.
Anywho. Um me and Ethan are still looking for a name. If you have any ideas throw em out haha. But yeah we kinda suck at the whole name thing cause ethans too picky and I don't wanna say anything cause they think my ideas are dumb
Oh btw I know what I'm listening to now haha It's called "Orchard" and it's by The Honey Trees.
The song sounds like its from an Eisley record so I was confused for a bit haha. Check it out thought its bomb
Oh btw Amanda it was Eric Hutchinson hahaha. Totally forgot if it was "er" or "in" haha but i looked it up just for you. :]
"Ilove you 4 that's more than I can afford" haha sorry I just sang that part of the song I'm listening to now and I thought I'd share with you cause Sharing is Caring hahaha "I love you 5!"
Hahaha. over it now lol
OOO speaking of over it. People annoy me and need to leave me alone haha aka one person that I really can't stand that hm 4 people maybe now about. haha. I was gunna vent but now I'm not gunna. Haha. so False alarm. wow grammer fail. lol :]
Oh check out DearOlivejuice. I think he's really good. He's just a youtuber but yeah he's stikkin hilarious and a good musician. Haha. Just ask amanda hahaha [harry potter, harry potter eh, harry potter, harry potter, oh!] Hahaha I had too lol when I thinlk amanda I think Brit so ya inside joke kinda but not. Cause im pretty sure everyone knows about it lol. But im pretty sure we're the only ones who thinks it funny and maybe two other people lol :]
Well i really should be doing my paper that due on thursday so im out for now ttygl lol
TT :]]]]]]] "everything you do is super duper cute, and I can't stand it" :]]]]]]
Peace, Love, and Be Yourself.
P.S Amanda you never did tell me about the "Old Guy" hahaha. I totally forgot then you totally ditched me at my car before I remembered hahaha :]
Ok I'm done now haha love ya!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
How is everyone [well all four of you hahaha]
So here's what's up:
-We're [meaning ethan and I] have been talking about what songs we're gunna do when the studio is all up.
-I should be studying for my Neuro Science class...but I'm not!
-The studio is 90% complete or 85% I haven't been over in a while so I don't know exactly how far they've gotten. Um I know they painted the wall and they cut the sheet rock out for the windows. Lol. So Then we just have to put up the sounds proofing and set up the room for the recording stuff
-Um my phones officially about to die.
-I keep getting spam and Idk why
-We still don't have a name that we love for ourselves
-I'm really liking Indie everything right now. So much better than mainstream! :]
-Um Reid from Criminal Minds is amazing and Darylyn agrees hahaha :]
-I'm watching Criminal Minds right now :]
-Um I'm also looking forward to watching Vampire Diaries tomorrow :]
-Um idk what else....OOO My other favorite word to say is B.T.W hehe.
Well its an acronym but it's the sasme thing...generally speaking haha
Well I got nothing to say now lol so TTFN
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Friday, January 22, 2010
Organizations accepting SMS donations:
-SMS text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts
-SMS text "YELE" to 501501 to Donate $5 to Yele Haiti's Earthquake Relief efforts
-SMS text "GIVE10" to 20222 to donate $10 to Direct Relief
These will be billed to you phone bills.
For sites accepting cash and in-kind donations click here: Www.google.com/relief/haitiearthquake
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hello earthlings!
So I really shouldn't be blogging right now I should be doing homework, but I really don't care about hatch and cross hatching lol =] But it is art so I will probably stop abruptly and do it...FYI.
Um Idk I'm tired and I really really really don't wanna go to my English class tonight!!! Blech three hours of my teacher talking about nonesense that probably won't have anything to do with english...no joke blah!!!! =[ But I'm almost done with MJC so that is a plus! =] haha =] but I'll prolly do post grad studies 'cause I like learning about things I don't need to learn about haha. My new kick is Sociology and Human Behavior =] lol. It's really interesting, lol or well the stuff I've found off the interenet about Human Behavior is =] So I had the sudden urge to go to the mall and the library =] both two favorite places lol
So my fav word right now is fantastical! lol I heard it on Criminal Minds last night and I busted up laughing!! haha I was like that's my word!! And then everyone looked at me like I was weird..not saying I'm not but don't judge me! hahaha =]
So texting is fun haha =] No Amanda I know what you're thinking and you're wrong! haha =]
So nothing has really happened lol
We turned the guy that wanted to drum for us down =]]]]]]
The wall is almost completed then we have to do EVERYTHING else! lol. Haha and we still need to find a name again!!! and I've figured out whos doing the album art whether he wants to or not. lol I'll beg! =]
And right when we finish the studio I insist we break it in by recording TONS of covers =] lol for your enjoyment hahaha jk except not really lol ...........ahhhhhhhhhhhh no my battery is dying =[
I'm way to lazy to get it hahaha =]
Today I did a boo boo and I was like frikkin out but then it got all cleared up so I'm happy now =] hahaha well I guess I "need" to do some form of homework haha gah!!!
goodbye for now! for a while actually lol
omg I hate this commercial its michelle obama for the Haiti thing!!!! She is so reading and has no emotion and she never blinks i mean come on have some emotion for ppl and at least care enough to spend 20mins to memorize it I mean come on...don't be like ur husband...and if you are at least try to hide that you are reading like he does!!!! gosh
Oh BTW text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate 10 dollars to the haiti fund its charged to your phone bill so you don't have to give any info over texting =]
Do it...do it now!! haha no pressure =] =] =]lol
Love ya guys!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself! =]
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I NEEDS MONEY!!!!! lol well Idk what to write and idk why i'm even writing right now...Im just that bored i guess haha. WELLLLLL!!!!!! Text me please, if anyone reads this that knows my number haha and if ya don't I'm sorry
well I am off to finish my Star Trek episodes =]
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Reid: Our conscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second. Our unconscious, however, can process eleven million (ED:[look of confusion])
Reid: Yes, I can actually read this fast."
Okay so random today I totally geeked out and watched my Star Trek marathon that has been accumulating on my DVR haha =] It was grand!
Brb I must get myself some Diet Mountain Dew because of my dry throat haha =]
OKAY! I am back and ready to type...well kinda haha. My throat is much better just in case you were wondering =]
Haha okay so I got a new follower right? Dmney I think it is. Lol I don't know who it is but oh well! I prolly might I'd just need to be told before I can say yes or not haha =] Hey the more followers the merrier right? haha
Ok so im really hot my laptop screen is sooooo bright... haha
Ok so here is the 411 on the music adventures today! haha.
I have yet to see anything so I'm prolly behind on whats going on but the last time I was updated my father and brother had knocked down a wall to make the studio a bit bigger than the original size of the room and my dad was laying down a 2x4 [I think] to make another new wall where we needed the original wall to be haha =] Exciting right?
Um what else...hmmm If ya like screamo music one of my lovely friends told me about a group call Arsonists Get All The Girls! haha They really good! And their song "Lost My Loss In Ruin" is probably the most random awesome song in the world haha!
And if you don't like screamo check out Gobotron! Haha Awesome name awesome music. The singer is the guitarist from Manchester Orchestra --also a a pretty rad band--
Ooo so I was at Target and I surprisingly saw that Vampire Weekends CD was there! =] It's grand. They do cuss though so thats pretty lame =[ lol can you edited versions???? hahaha =]
I haven't really found anything to promote lately lol...that could be due to the fact of my intensely immense laziness!! I'll probably have something soon though, I always have something =] hehe
Oh, my art homework is done =] i finished it...yesterday?? I believe...yes, yes yesterday! hah!! There's a giant misquito sucking a person dry while another person is jumping into the air with a knife attempting to kill it on one side and on the other a little girl smiling cheerfully on a tire swing connected to a tree and in the middle a dog is driving a car =] lol the car...not so cute but it was the last thing and I was tired haha =] The misquito on the other hand is pretty savage if i do say so myself. Lol None of my family got the giant misquito thing so I told them it was a government science experiment gone terribly wrong! haha =] then they understood...what nubs! lol.
So along with my Star Trek marathon I had a Criminal Minds and What Not To Wear marathon as well =] all I have to say is I feel rather inane and in the words of Bloc Party "Live like the 80's didn't happen" haha please!!
None of this is really that important haha oh well its not like I'm making you read this unwillingly haha. But if someone I know breaks any of the fashion rules known to most of man kind I will have to do something about it haha. That's all just in theory though ;]
So I am stumped and it's late...early lol which ever my brain isn't fully functioning don't blame me it's apart of my Mexican skills! Just like me going deaf is apart of those skills lol. Blech I feel bad I ate chicken today, the first time in oh....a handful of months lol. It upset my stomach but there was nothing else to eat!!!!!!! gah!!!! hahaha =] I really want tea right now huh...I see a starbucks stop in the near future...prolly before church =D hahaha
There is exactly 1 month 2 weeks and 2 days until Tim Burtons "Alice In Wonderland" comes out =] I am so so so so so so excited!!!! It's gunna be epic!!! Johnny Depp is awesome and it's my all time favorite movie in the world 'cause it's just so darn confusing when your young haha =] Love the confusingness. Also Eclipse is coming out in June I believe. SO disappointed in my "big sis" 'cause she has not seen New Moon!!! Gah! lol. Anywho Idk what to do anymore I could ramble on for hours about nothing lol. So now I leave you in utter suspense of the next time I will write about my oh so boring life! lol jk except not ;]
To all who I know from church I will see you tomorrow =]
Live long and prosper hahaha sorry I just had too!!!
Criminal Minds "Hotchner: This is special agent Dr. Reid
Man: Oh, you look young to have gone to medical school
Reid: They are Ph.D.'s, three of them
Man: Oh, are you a genuis or something?
Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accuratley quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187,an eidetic memory, can read 20,000 words per minute
[pause] ...yes, I am a genuis."
Haha epic line =]
peace love and be yourself love ya!
Friday, January 15, 2010
So I am back to write more from my boring life!
Right now I'm watching What Not To Wear =] It's amazing haha. Clinton Kelly is awesome! There's a new one on tonight haha I just got really happy and excited =] lol Xp
So my Art class is gunna have a lot of work in it. Like I don't think it'll take that long to do it...but I'm always wrong about that kinda thing so it probably will. Lol. Um right no it's not to bad 'cause I've only gotten hw in that class. Lol. Well kinda, I had to read some stuff in my Neuro Science class but that took like ten mins not even haha. =] It was really cool. I have a feeling I'm gunna like all my classes...even my english class, well maybe that class Idk yet. I didn't get any hw in that class yet but the readings gunna be interesting. It's called Fast Food Nation. lol. so yeah I might enjoy it. Haha
Ah! Nothings really happened that to terribly exciting haha.
Um...Oh. The studio is coming along pretty well. Um were working on building the board as of right now. So that's really all that's been going on....BUT there is a three day weekend (yay) lol so hopefully we'll get quite a bit out of the way! And then me and Ethan will definitely be doing cover songs and puttin' up on the good ole youtube. =] I'm excited! For the covers not necessarily the rest of this nonesense that's been going on lately.
SUPER BUMED..I am not going to Winter Camp...=[...
My grandma went into the hospital last week I wanna say...she is home now...but the day she got out which was Sunday my mom took the car and I didn't wanna say anything so I just didn't ask again! I had only asked once and that was the week before the last week to sign up and she kinda got upset cause I told her I only had one week left to get an answer. So I just threw away the little piece of paper with the details. so yeah that's what happened.
Um It was my last Detour this year =[ I made some amazing friends! And learned so much! The point of saying that would be to say I am missing out on my last Winter Camp! Which is really sad...lol
I just had the sudden urge to watch Criminal Minds...but Morgans here and wants to watch Say Yes To The Dress which I like just not as much as Criminal Minds. Haha.
I have officially decided Nerds are cute...haha Well most of them...some of them hahaha =] It's cute how they're so socially awkward haha. It makes me feel normal =] 'Cause we all know I'm not haha
Um me and Ethan have decided to change the band name yet again. Lol but we haven't found anything we like as of yet. So that's the big same update we've had sense the beginning of the band thing. Haha
Oooo I just got a laptop which I am on right now as I type haha. I love it! I just got it like two days ago I wanna say...yeah yeah two lol. =] It's red or as my mom says manly red hahaha. Its not like bright cherry red and it has like a pattern on it which you can't see from a far distants. Lol.
Well back to my art hw cuase if i get it done today I will be FREE until Tueday cause my Monday class wont meet cause of Martin Luther King Jr. day =] lol So I am happy about that...like extatic actually haha. People's birthdays that become national holidays are rad =] haha
And just as I expected this post wasn't very grand =] but oh well read it or not...I probably shoulda said it at the top FORWARD SLASH beginning so you would be forewarned lol but oh well you'll survive!
Peace, Love, && Be Yourself =]
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hi everyone
It's been quite a while since I have enlightened you with updates on my oh so boring life, haha
Um not too much has happened actually lol
I started school on Monday, so far I like the two classes that have come to pass. Lol
I have yet to have my English class, it is not until tomorrow night.
Haha, I have art in the mornings two days a week, I don't know how I'm going to survive haha
My new fav show is Criminal Minds I love it =]
It makes me feel kinda dumb though haha. All the characters are super smart and profiling is epic haha.
Um so I've decided I want to learn basically everything...haha seriously EVERYTHING lol
Idk I have a lot to say but my fingers just aren't up for the challenge right now haha =]
Oooo I gotta new laptop, its pretty and i love it.
Ahhh, I shall write more tomorrow haha when my fingers can actually type sensible things hehe =]