Suilanna firen bair ceven:
So news, so over the Thanksgiving break things were suppose to happen...well they didn't. hahaha
Everyone just got so busy and we had tons of school work to do! So the plan is to have the demo done over Christmas break. My bro gets like a month off of school so he's planning on doing that the whole time to get it done. Secondly; my whole cover thing...didn't happen cause of homework and finals coming up but! I have picked a song so I am now learning it and Idk when it's gunna be up. But everyone will be informed when it is and all the ways before haha. I couldn't stay formal for that long it's not possible for me right now! Ha!
So there's nothing too terribly exciting going on right now...although I had the strangest dream about Eruantien...we were engaged...haha long story...don't ask. Ohh I have an obsession with Elvish right now..haha yeah I pretty much have geeked out the past week over it haha. I can write in Tengwar haha it's pretty legit...secret messages to Melda! ;] I'm gunna teach it to her so we can write without people knowing what we are saying haha. And it looks sick :]
So tomorrows December 1st. Idk how a feel about it as of yet! I do wish the holidays would come around so I could see people when they come back from school for break.
I'm too hyper to stay focused at the moment I've had this same screen up for like 45 minutes. Gah I have two PowerPoint presentations due next week and an information interview that I'm scared pooless of...I don't like talking to people especially people who intimidate me hahaha. Not fun!
Well I better do some kind of research on something I need to get finished haha. I need a Q-Tip...ooooo good song :] Look up Metric..cause I say so...:]
Peace, Love, && Dream
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