Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Not in the 'Ha ha ha' funny joke funny way

Well practice was a couple days ago...It went good. Solid for the very first practice.

Donkey on the other hand...not so pleasent... after the fact. Him and that big head of his. Can't stand it....

Haha that reminds me of a song called that by Never Shout Never haha. Cute song...Donkey not on the other had not attractive. But I really like that song haha.

I want to slap him...but then I'd have to touch him...NVM!!! anyone wanna do it for me? Haha that is both my Myspace and Facebook status as of right now.

Jay thinks he's ninja cause he knew who I was talking about and didn't even have to ask. Lyss one up'd him by knowing then texting me to ask for details and said he's not that ninja. And Grant [being awesome] offered me a baseball bat to hit him with...well first it was a stout swtich [which apperantly is the same thing as a regular switch it just doesn't break as easily] LOL.

I deamed the bat would definitely be the best thing to use. Hehe

Oh so I have a surprise for everyone haha well two. One about music and the other not. lol

Um the band name...I have decided to unvail it do to the fact that Im quite bored and I want more than just Morgan and Dora to know it. Lol.

So here it is...Drumroll........

Annabel Lee

That was anti-climactic huh??...Oh well lol

Oooooo Did anyone see the Criminal Minds last night? Other than me and most likely Darylyn LOL! It was awesome!! hahaha. Love that guy...*sigh* hahahaha

"He needs a twin" -Darylyn [Love her!]

Anyways! I'm sittin here and I should be doing my paper thats like 8 pages long or whatever. But I don't want to it. I'm just not in the homework awake state yet. But my mom was just like 'when you get some of that done i'll read it' haha so I guess I better get something done

Um. Still waiting for a reply from the guitarist we want to do the little project of covers with. Lol. Um we have another practice on Tuesday...Joy...

well I better go, This blog has taken a total of like three days to write haha.

well Lates

Peace, Love, && Be Yourself

[for some reason its double spacing and im not very happy about it hahaha]

Love ya!

-Ash ['It's a shame about raisins']

Monday, March 29, 2010

You Know Who You Are And To Me It's Exciting

Hey loves

So I was thinking 'hey I should really study' so I decided to blog instead hahaha

Hmmm today's events of me anticipated wanting to skip tomorrow with all my heart has continued to conflict with my desperate need to study hahaha...well not desperate but I should be studying lol.

Tomorrow is the 'pleasent' day that we have practice with the 'nice' Donkey. Lol. [please don't take that statement literally...really don't.:]]

On a lighter note lol SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER! haha...that's all i could think of that was lighter hahaha.
So im watching Icarly haha and listening to selna gomez...idk why yet lol. and my moms phone keeps going off but im to lazy to go over and see who it is lol. grrr. oh well im going! hahaha

Gah i forgot i need to go to kinkos cause were xeroxing tomorrow in art class...idr how he said to get them printed like frikkin out too. haha. no joke lol. im sure its just regular picture paper but idr..idk...

well i should go get ill do a music blog tomorrow after practice or wednesday. idk. depends on how late we go .... gah hahaha


Peace, Love, && Be Yourself

Monday, March 22, 2010

'I've got a good heart and a love for pop tarts'

Hey I'm back haha

I wasn't joking lol Im bored hahaha

Hm I should be studying or doing the possible art for the EP/Demo thing but I'm not Haha. Way to much work right now! :]

OOOOOOOOOOO I'm listing to DearOlivejuice's new Demoliscious EP! It's pretty rad! Not gunna lie!

Anywho where did I stop on the last Oooo I'm really excited for our Demo thing it's gunna be so much fun! If I get my way and we do the songs I wanna do hahaha :] But either way.

Hm...tomorrow...I don't want it to be tomorrow hahaha. Early morn Art So over it. hahaha Last and only art class...which is good 'cause I don't think I could wake up early every semester and keep my sanity. Lol So I pretty much ate way to much altogether today hahaha. well maybe not but WAY more than I ever eat in a day...and I really want a kiwi for tomorrow...haha. But we have none! :[ so sad

Gah I so just exited the page out on accident and almost had a heart attack cause I didn't wanna write all that again haha but it saved :]

So I saw this little baby with downs the other day...most adorable little boy in the whole world! I fell in love!


Life Lessons: Act stupid, be odd, don't judge, be sarcastic, hang with friends every second you can, eat pop tarts, Love everyone, help Others, laugh, Be diFFerent, DON'T use the 'R' word, DO talk to everyone you can, pray and read the bible, Be pessimistic [only when necessary :] lol], Don't care about what everyone else thinks about you, Love God, Listen to music, and Be Yourself.

Peace. Love.

I wake up every morning...

Hey lovlies!

I haven't posted in SO long!!!!!

I just wanted to give ya'll an update! :]

We are so close to being finished with the studio I can't even believe it!
There's only a few more things to do and get it all set up! and then we'll be recording!
We have finally gotten a band name and I think Ethan has a Myspace but we don't have any music and it's not set up so be on the look out for a blog saying that it's ready to check out! :]

I don't know if I wan't to reveal our name just yet haha! But I'm almost 100% sure we're keeping this one I REALLY like it :]
After we get the studio up and running we'll be doingn some covers hopefully even though we are not a full band. But I really don't care if we are or not cause people are over rated!

School is almost out! I get out April 27th!!! I am looking for jobs so I can save up some mullah! I can't wait until I get out of school, not lookiing forward to the heat though :/

MEXICO is going to be so amazing it's not even funny. Its gunna be so much fun and hopefully we will be able to make an un-natural impact on the community! I can't wait

Well I must go to school now. I'll give some more updates when I get home!

Peace, Love, && Be Yourself