Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Go Higher Than High, Lower Than Deep, Doing It Wrong, Singin' Along

Suilanna firen bair ceven:

So news, so over the Thanksgiving break things were suppose to happen...well they didn't. hahaha
Everyone just got so busy and we had tons of school work to do! So the plan is to have the demo done over Christmas break. My bro gets like a month off of school so he's planning on doing that the whole time to get it done. Secondly; my whole cover thing...didn't happen cause of homework and finals coming up but! I have picked a song so I am now learning it and Idk when it's gunna be up. But everyone will be informed when it is and all the ways before haha. I couldn't stay formal for that long it's not possible for me right now! Ha!

So there's nothing too terribly exciting going on right now...although I had the strangest dream about Eruantien...we were engaged...haha long story...don't ask. Ohh I have an obsession with Elvish right now..haha yeah I pretty much have geeked out the past week over it haha. I can write in Tengwar haha it's pretty legit...secret messages to Melda! ;] I'm gunna teach it to her so we can write without people knowing what we are saying haha. And it looks sick :]

So tomorrows December 1st. Idk how a feel about it as of yet! I do wish the holidays would come around so I could see people when they come back from school for break.

I'm too hyper to stay focused at the moment I've had this same screen up for like 45 minutes. Gah I have two PowerPoint presentations due next week and an information interview that I'm scared pooless of...I don't like talking to people especially people who intimidate me hahaha. Not fun!

Well I better do some kind of research on something I need to get finished haha. I need a Q-Tip...ooooo good song :] Look up Metric..cause I say so...:]

Peace, Love, && Dream

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Raise Your Glass

Greetings...I couldn't think of anything clever to say.

But I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Have fun with your families today!
And if you're crazy like this have fun shopping tomorrow. Don't shank anyone!

I am now enjoying a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon and later..The Waltons thanksgiving haha. Yeah they kinda go hand in hand like that. Um there won't be any cover up this weekend because 1. I forgot that it was a holiday weekend 2. I have tons of homework to do cause my teacher...just one in particular is a crazy person and unorganized and gives us three big things to do all on the same day and 3. well I don't really have a three.
I like this show....it's pretty great...if you haven't seen it watch it. I own every season haha so great.

Anyways I really don't know what to say and I really should be getting ready to go have Thanksgiving with my dads side of the family. Angel. the end haha. sorry.

I really need to get ready before I start getting random...ok bye now!
Ooooh btw the Bee Gees are awesome. haha just making sure you know. Ok really bye..now..yeah bye...go..leave now. stop reading....go bye...bye

Peace, Love, && Geek

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sometimes I Believe As Many As Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Hey all you Earth walkers,

News...other than this is the first post foor days! [and by that I mean months].

So here it is *Ehem*
Annabel Lee has a single out of the song 'Oh Holy Night' please check it out!
If you want the Mp3 it'll cost you a dollar ;] haha. But seriously...that'd be cool. Lol
Our Demo should be done by Thanksgiving weekend which is technically this weekend YAY! haha.

I have a youtube!! Search Dearfuturelove and the song will come up subscribe...I'm planning on doing covers hopefully one will be up by next weekend! :] Look for it!
Um do you guys have any suggestions?? I'd be happy to take them...SUGGEST I say!!! No pressure.

School Semester is almost over! I can't wait. I love learning and all but...homework sucks!
I'm trying to keep the randomness to a minumul and try and catch up on here....as of yet...I'd say it's working.

I really want to go to San Francisco right now...I love that place dangerous or not it has character...and I'm sick of being in the same place all the time!
Busy weeks to come cause of finals and everything.

6 impossible things:
Your mom
Ducks in the army
Purple monkey
I'm an astonaut
Ninjas at your birthday
Disappearing hearts

Post 6 yourself!

Peace, Love, && Live For Something
-Ash[Don't lose heart]